
I can't believe it is time for Kindergarten already! My sweet little Zoe is so excited about it.

The plan is to have her do a little each day and be finished by lunch time.  After all, it is Kindergarten ;-) This year is going to be pretty laid back.

Zoe's Curriculum List for 2013-2014 - Kindergarten

Reading:  Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons,  Reading Aloud, and  Explode the Code (Phonics)

Handwriting:  A Reason for Handwriting - Kindergarten and Handwriting Without Tears: Letters and Numbers for Me

Science:  Colors class at Living Legacy Academy (taught by my mother in law and assisted by me!)

Math:  She'll learn basic math skills from me through fun games, flash cards, fun worksheets, and every day life situations. We'll also be going through the first Life of Fred book - Apples (and possibly Butterflies as well).

Art:  Weekly craft and Photography fun  :)